Definition of Switch on

1. Verb. Cause to operate by flipping a switch. "Turn on the stereo"

Exact synonyms: Turn On
Generic synonyms: Flip, Switch, Throw
Antonyms: Switch Off

Definition of Switch on

1. Verb. (transitive) to turn a switch to the "on" position in order to start or enable a device ¹

2. Verb. (idiomatic) to change one's expression or appearance as if by turning a switch ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Switch On

switch cane
switch engine
switch hitter
switch hitters
switch hook
switch hooks
switch horn
switch horns
switch off
switch on
switch over
switch pitcher
switch pitchers
switchblade knife

Literary usage of Switch on

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Transactions of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers by American Institute of Electrical Engineers (1905)
"A short circuit was made by a wire thrown across the i.ansmission line and the circuit was successfully opened by the oil switch on the high-pressure side. ..."

2. Dyke's Automobile and Gasoline Engine Encyclopedia by Andrew Lee Dyke (1920)
"1, chart 140, we will put our pencil on the switch on dash coil box (SI). If this lever is thrown to the left with all other switches "off," this high ..."

3. Dyke's Automobile and Gasoline Engine Encyclopedia by Andrew Lee Dyke (1919)
"1, chart 140, we will put our pencil on the switch on dash coil box (81). If this lever is thrown to the left with all other switches "off," this high ..."

4. Dyke's Automobile and Gasoline Engine Encyclopedia by Andrew Lee Dyke (1916)
"1, chart 141, we will put our pencil on the switch on dash coil box (SI). If this lever is thrown to the left with all other switches "off," this high ..."

5. Electrical Engineer (1893)
"In the form shown and explained a weak primary battery is employed to supply the required energy to start the instrument—ie, to switch on the primary and ..."

6. Notes on Track: Construction and Maintenance by Walter Mason Camp (1903)
"The stand for a switch on the middle one of three tracks is sometimes placed on the outside and connected by means of a long rod extending across the ..."

7. Transactions of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers by American Institute of Electrical Engineers (1905)
"A short circuit was made by a wire thrown across the i.ansmission line and the circuit was successfully opened by the oil switch on the high-pressure side. ..."

8. Dyke's Automobile and Gasoline Engine Encyclopedia by Andrew Lee Dyke (1920)
"1, chart 140, we will put our pencil on the switch on dash coil box (SI). If this lever is thrown to the left with all other switches "off," this high ..."

9. Dyke's Automobile and Gasoline Engine Encyclopedia by Andrew Lee Dyke (1919)
"1, chart 140, we will put our pencil on the switch on dash coil box (81). If this lever is thrown to the left with all other switches "off," this high ..."

10. Dyke's Automobile and Gasoline Engine Encyclopedia by Andrew Lee Dyke (1916)
"1, chart 141, we will put our pencil on the switch on dash coil box (SI). If this lever is thrown to the left with all other switches "off," this high ..."

11. Electrical Engineer (1893)
"In the form shown and explained a weak primary battery is employed to supply the required energy to start the instrument—ie, to switch on the primary and ..."

12. Notes on Track: Construction and Maintenance by Walter Mason Camp (1903)
"The stand for a switch on the middle one of three tracks is sometimes placed on the outside and connected by means of a long rod extending across the ..."

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